PGT is all about People, Processes and Technology!
An organization’s corporate culture can have significant impact over its long term performance. At PGT, we believe in leading by inspiring and energizing our people. Our teams are infused with distinct personalities, work with purpose and passion. To put in simple words, PGT is a place where-
- People have confidence in their leaders.
- Employees feel their contributions make difference.
- Focus lies in finding solutions.
- Innovation and Open Learning is encouraged.
- Creative thinking is celebrated.
- Emphasize is on building trust among team members.
- Inspiration rather than control is used.
- Mutual Appreciation is utilized than blame game.
Work life Balance
Life is a delicate balance. In the current business scenario, each professional goes through some kind of strain to perform in personal as well as professional spheres. We understand the value of effective work life balance and provide the best benefits to our employees. As a dynamic and progressive set up, we encourage our resources to manage their work hours with flexibility. There are ample opportunities to enhance their careers and personal lives.
Open Door Policy
An Open Door policy means the management’s door is open for each employee despite of their designation, job responsibilities or compensation. Employees are free to communicate and give their feedback at any time.
Career Enrichment
Besides, sustaining learning, training and development, we allow our resources to learn more about their niche work areas, motivate them to enroll in executive management programmes of their choice so that they can contribute in our success.